Tier 3 Omnibus
Omnibus workshops are taught in mini-retreat format, where you work up a strip of connected swatches rather than binding off and casting on anew between sessions. Over the span of multiple sessions, you get a taste of several longer workshops. They're a great way to learn a lot in a shorter span of time, although there is less time for deep dives into each technique.
The Tier 3 Omnibus takes you through intarsia, cables, various advanced lace and off-the-grid techniques, as well as stacked stitches, over the span of three 3-hour sessions. Two sessions may be on the same day (morning and afternoon) in addition to another day for the third session, or they may be scheduled on three different days.
(what to know)
You should have taken the Double-knitting Lace and Double-knitting Off the Grid workshops.
You may also get some benefit from having taken Reverse Double-knitting and/or Traveling Stitches, but these are not strictly necessary.
(what to bring)
2 distinct solid colors (1 light, 1 darker) of plain yarn in the sport to DK weight range and a pair of straight or circular needles in an appropriate (or one size above your usual) size for your chosen yarn.
(what to Do)
If the upcoming virtual or live workshops below don't work for you due to time or location constraints, this workshop's last session was recorded and access is now available for purchase!
BuildingBlox Recorded Workshops: Advanced Beginner Double-knitting 01/54/2023