Extreme Double-knitting

Praise for the 2011 Edition:
A brilliant book, bound to become a classic work. Acquiring these double-layer techniques will enhance all aspects of your knitting life. Extreme Double Knitting is a very thorough and clearly explained approach to this fascinating area of knitting. Even if you do not yet see yourself reaching some of the more extreme feats of double-layer knitting offered here, you will be gently enticed to expand your repertoire of skills as far as you wish, with plenty more brain candy awaiting you.
Lucy Neatby
There are floods of knitting books that beguile with pretty, ingenious patterns. A precious few push back the boundaries of an entire technique. Extreme Double-Knitting does both, exceptionally. A tour-de-force.
Franklin Habit
In this delicious guide to the subterranean wonderland of double knitting, Alasdair illuminates user-friendly and innovative techniques of layering color, texture, and design.
Cat Bordhi
In 2011, Cooperative Press printed my first book of innovative double-knitting techniques; now, in 2018, I have regained the rights to Extreme Double-knitting and am self-publishing it alongside my newer book, Double or Nothing.
If you would like to see more info about the original 2011 printing, the page for that is still available here.
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