Learn Double-Knitting Online
Can’t make it to one of my workshops? Visit me on Craftsy! I have a class there called “Adventures in Double-Knitting” which covers the topics in my Intro workshop and my Off The Grid workshop, as well as snippets from Two-Pattern, Multi-Color, and Cables. You’ll get more personalized attention at an in-person workshop, but with Craftsy, you’ll have the ability to watch and re-watch the class at your own pace.
I do have a Youtube Channel which has a few specialized videos, mostly made to support some project or other. I have bigger plans for the content in this channel in the future, but video production is time-consuming and I have not been able to dedicate myself to it due to the recent book projects. Please feel free to follow the channel so that when I am able to start posting new videos, you’ll be among the first to know.