A double-knit scarf with two-pattern lettering


Shortly after I published my Felis Hattus pattern, a colleague got in touch with me to see if I’d be interested in contributing a couple of “craftivism” related patterns to a new book she was planning. I got thinking about other concepts and this one came up. The book offer didn’t pan out, but the concept was such a good one that I decided to make it anyway.

It was my hope to make it before the March for Science on April 22, 2017, which I succeeded in doing. However, the pattern was not released in time for anyone else to achieve the same goal. Since the Science March is unlikely to achieve all of its goals immediately, I think it’s likely that it will still get some use.

As with Felis Hattus, this is a free pattern. If you like it, please consider donating to your favorite STEM-related cause, or some other organization fighting against the policies of the Trump regime. This administration is doing its best to halt innovation and discredit science in this country, making us less globally competitive and less prepared for the reality of climate change, among other things.

Fortunately, RESISTIMUS (Latin: we are resisting)!

Where can I get it?