BuildingBlox Virtual/Recorded Workshop Feedback

Thank you for enrolling in one of my virtual workshops (or purchasing a recording)! Please fill out this form if you'd like to offer some feedback on the experience. I endeavor to read all responses and will incorporate constructive feedback into future workshops wherever possible.

This form is anonymous by default; you may enter your email address at the end if you like. Replies may be offered to questions posed in the comments field but there are no guarantees on precise timing of those replies.

Thank you for your time,

Alasdair Post-Quinn, Fallingblox Designs

(you attended the Zoom workshop itself)
(you purchased a workshop recording)
(the original date on which the workshop was held, even if you purchased it later)

Please rate your experience with the following elements of the workshop (on a scale of 1-5, from "dismal" to "perfect"):

Were you able to find the workshop easily on my site? Was the enrollment/payment process painless? Were you able to find your way to the workshop portal?
Did the workshop's portal have all the information you needed to prepare for the workshop? Was it easy to understand how to interact with it?
Were you able to find and follow the homework? Did you feel the homework adequately prepared you for the workshop? (feel free to leave this blank if your workshop did not have homework).
Were you able to access (and optionally, print) the handout easily? Did you find the handout useful in helping you to retain the workshop material?
Was the material presented clearly and accessibly? Did the instructor manage time wisely? Were you able to understand the concepts? Were you able to learn and reproduce the techniques involved to your satisfaction?
If you attended the workshop, were you able to ask questions and get them answered to your satisfaction? If you purchased the recording, did you find the comment system in the portal met your needs?

(assuming the topic and timing line up with your interests and availability)